Monday, 14 March 2011

My rent wont pay itself...

I forgot to post these up on Saturday - Check out what I made:

Naturally they'll be on sale in a variety of colour combinations once I get my Etsy shop up and running... But if you're interested in buying these now then get in touch by commenting, and I'll be happy to arrange something with you :)

Time to turn this hobby into something that makes me some money, because my rent wont pay itself!!!

Saturday, 12 March 2011


That's it... I've decided.

I've had ENOUGH. Enough of all these pretty beads sitting around and not doing anything with them! I'm going to spend the day (Or however long my patience can manage) making jewellery :-)

I might post pics if I make something I half like...

-Bini xx

Tuesday, 8 March 2011

It makes me laugh

I love the Internet. It's a great place to see new things, learn, interact and generally waste time.

What made my chuckle in the past 24 hours is an old work colleague of mine which I still have as a friend on facebook, despite the fact that I've not seen her for going on 3 years and never really liked to begin with. But hey, kept her on there for the sake of keeping in touch (Don't worry, that'll change).

She's not the sharpest tool in the box, but she is a tool nonetheless. 

So this friend decided to post a photo of a "monokini" that she was thinking about purchasing and adding to the rest of her hideously unclassy wardrobe. Animal print and a geometric cut which is unflattering on almost everyone other than the woman modelling it:

I simply stated that I thought IT (the monokini) looked trashy and that I was sure she could find better. I even threw a "hun" in there so she'd know I wasn't insulting her. But seeing as though she's lacking in the braincell department, she took it as a personal insult and began TYPING IN ALL CAPS. No doubt this was because her Internet shouting would serve to intimidate me into a submissive stance, causing me to back down and fall into line and tell her how right-oh-right she is. Wrong.

Bitch be trippin, yo! 12 hours later and she still thinks I'm insulting her, despite having told her 3 times that it's the monokini that sucks, not her style.

I mean, I think her style is great if you want to look like a desperate hooker from the 80s, but style is completely subjective - Which neatly brings me to my summary:

DON'T post crap on the Internet if you're going to get all whiny and hormonal when people tell you what they think. If you expect people to fall over and tell you how amaaaaazing something is, then the Internet isn't for you. Might as well sell your computer for happytime drugs which keep you in your delusional mind state.

-B xx

Sunday, 6 March 2011


HOLD ON! I'm still alive!! For those of you who thought I was so severely traumatised by seeing my housemates one-eyed monster, you're not far off from the truth. Trauma definitely occurred, but thankfully neither of us wished to discuss the event and have swiftly moved on.

So what have I been up to since my last willy-tastic entry? WELL! Valentines Day was a good one... Mr. West opted to surprise me at work with a delivery of a mahooosive bouquet of Lillie's, roses and daisies - Much to the envy of every female in the office, I'm sure ;-)

I wanted to blog about it then but erm... Embarrassingly forgot my password to this account and then just couldn't be bothered to do a reminder. I figured I'd leave it to a day when I'm socially-deprived. Like today.

A good friend of mine, Christine and I decided to get a stand at the Sitwell Arms Wedding Fayre last Sunday - Selling the handmade bridal jewellery we make (Well lately it's been Christine's work as I've admittedly succumbed to utter laziness during the cold winter months - Hibernation is my thing). The wedding Fayre went really well - We made a sale before the event even opened to the public, which was a great start! The rest of the event went brilliantly and I hope we get more business out of it!


This has been a pretty up and down week. Busy, bored, happy, saaaad, bouncy, sleepy... And I've got myself yet another cold! Despite all the healthy eating and exercise, my immune system simply sucks. But the one thing that's really got me excited this week is the fact that my face is on a billboard! POW POW!!

So pretty stoked about having been featured in an international selling fashion magazine and the main face on a billboard. Not bad for someone who doesn't want to model, huh? ;-)

Preeeetty awesome, right? :-D

So I'm off to go make more jewellery, and I'll probably update sometime soon!

-B xx