Monday, 27 June 2011

You wonder how I manage it...

A brand spanking new laptop as a birthday present from Paul, and a month after owning it I manage to get a devastating virus on the damn thing!

It soaked up all my files and held them to ransom. And before you think I'm being a drama queen, it actually - LITERALLY - held them to ransom.

Something that fooled me into thinking it was Vista Recovery basically hijacked my hard drive, worked overtime and raped and pillaged all my filesand programs before shoving a message which equated to "Fork out or you wont get your shit back, bitch."

Problem was that if you pay them, you'll effectively subscribe to them and will have to keep paying them in order to have access to your files. What a jip.

So Paul's wonderful friend who works as an IT Manager sent me over a new hard drive and a spangly disc with Windows 7 on it. Such a legend. I'm now back online and will possibly punch myself in the face if I manage to get a virus on here.

Pro-tip: Random websites = DEATH.

So other than wishing I was at Glastonbury, there isn't a great deal that I've been up to. Started shopping for  schmancy frock to wear to my companies Annual Summer Ball. Not sure I can actually out-do myself from last years gorgeous vintage 50s style dress:

Ok, so I posed like a tard. So what. I had a few too many jagerbombs and yucky champagne/wine/various other spirits and beers.

I think I'll go the opposite of quirky and vintage this year - I'm thinking sleek and minimal. Classic and sexy. Obviously this wont carry off well after a few drinks as I'll probably be face down in my dessert... But I can try ;)

-B xx

Monday, 13 June 2011

The aftermath

Camping with the other "Probefesters" was good fun - Despite the weather being rather cold and dreary.

Everyone was really nice and apparently I was the main topic of conversation on Thursday night. Turns out everyone loves me and that they prefer me to Pauls "previous" ... Woop! Obviously, people shouldn't really be comparing me to his ex as we're two entirely different people, no ones better than anyone else. But YAY! They love me! Teehee :)

Friday night I managed to let my phone jump out of my hand and straight into a sink of tepid warm water. I thought someone was texting me while I was washing my hands, and in my infinitely tipsy wisdom, I thought it was an excellent idea to try and answer said text with wet hands. Phone decided to slip out of my hands and run right under the damn tap. My baby Sony Xperia Mini is broken - Completely frazzled :( I even put it in a bag of rice to try and draw out the moisture (After shoving it under a hand dryer for about 10 minutes). But nothing worked - Dead as dead can be. Oh, and did I meantion that it wasn't insured? Erm...

Luckily my Network provider are rather great and have given me emergancy insurance today and will be delivering my replacement phone tomorrow after work. Woop woop! Just sad because I've lost all of my contacts, photos, messages... Bleh.

Saturday was good, weather was nice! And the official start to Probefest. A little disco (No one danced, tut tut) and some karaoke. I must admit I did a few songs, probably more than anyone else. That's what happens when you mix 3 types of beer and cider together though! Got lots of compliments, apparently I'm a good singer. Well I don't like to braaaag...

Sunday was good too, rainy though. Paul won two first place awards for best looking ICE (In Car Entertainment) and best sounding. POWPOW! Those lovely little trophies were taken into work and found pride of place on his desk lol.

So now I'm just recovering from this weekend, getting back into the swing of work-stuff and looking forward to the delivery of my new phone tomorrow... Lets hope it all goes down well!

-Bini xx

Wednesday, 8 June 2011

Bini goes camping...

This could be utterly disastrous. It's been yonks since I've gone camping, so this weekend promises to be one of two things: Awesome as hell, or hilarious (for everyone else while I throw hissy fits).

So it's Probe Fest - The Annual get together for members of Pauls car club. Probe Fest sounds kinda dirty so I'm gonna stick with Fest instead... Starts tomorrow (Thursday) and ends Sunday.

I started planning/packing at the beginning of this week, expecting the weather to be warm and sunny. I'd be forgiven for thinking it might be, given that it's almost mid-June and therefore Summer. However, I'm also a complete retard because somewhere in my romantic, hippy vision of camping out in the sunset with Paul and company, I forgot that this is England and the weather is about as reliable as getting an ant to change a lightbulb.

So with this now in mind, I've unpacked everything and am now in the process of trying to figure out what would work for all weather situations. So, jeans, leggings, strappy tops, t-shirts, underwear, socks, hoodie, waterproof jacket, trainers, flat shoes wellies and flip flops. And a dress. Because I'm an optimist like that ;)

With facilities on the campsite such as 3-star rated shower and toilet blocks, and electricity, I'm going to go all out glam and take my hairdryer. Thats right. A FRICKIN HAIRDRYER. Because I'm just that hardcore, haha.

I'll more than likely have lots of pics which I'll upload onto trusty Facebook whenever I can be bothered. I might link a few here ;)

So here comes a weekend of cars, mud, rain, fashion disasters, possible tantrums, shower-sharing and tent-nookie... Wish me luck!

-B xx

Sunday, 5 June 2011


Oof! Still a bit mardy over the whole family/non-family situation, but my boyfriend Paul gave me some perspective that night: If people can't be bothered to make the effort with me, then they sure as hell don't deserve my anger, tears or any further thought.

While that's easier said than done for someone like me (who's like a dog with a bone, I find things hard to let go of) it's getting easier as I let the days pass. As far as I'm concerned, my family are the people *I* choose to be in my life, not the people I share DNA with. Though I'm pretty certain that I must have been swapped at birth.

So this is an appreciative post to my family:

Mummy Christine and Poppy Andy - You're better parents to me than my own. You took me in when I needed it, you looked after me when I was sick, you supported me emotionally and financially. You're both true friends and I could't ask for better people in my life. I'm blessed to know you both. Thank you  for absolutely everything.

Paul - I love you - You're literally my everything. I love every minute we spend together, and I couldn't ask for a better boyfriend. You're loving, supportive, funny, strong and amazing. I hope we get to spend many, many years together. The idea of growing old and grey with you makes me smile and feel all warm and fuzzy :-P And to think one "big sigh" was the start of something amazing. Mwah xx

Antonio - Wa wa we wah! You're the male version of me, which makes you awesome. I know you're my brothers best friend, but you're like an actual brother to me. We've got a weird little friendship and although it's been years since we've actually seen each other, I love how we're always in touch. You're the best surrogate-bro a girl could have. Long live Tesco tropical juice.

... I'm actually struggling to think of anyone else to put here. I guess I have a small family but it's the people I hold dearest to me... And that's all I need :)

-B xx

Wednesday, 1 June 2011


Seriously - I'm fed up to my back frickin teeth of my so called family. No, this isn't angsty teenage-style rant about how they dont understand me. It's mostly a rant about how I try and get nowhere rant, fuelled by lack of caffeine and sugar.

My cousin got married recently. Her engagement party was last year. I didn't get invited to it. I questioned her why - We've always been so close, we grew up together and hung out pretty much everyday until she moved away. We still kept in touch though. She was more like a sister to me.

So anyway, I asked her why I didn't get an invite to the engagement, that I didn't even know she was engaged. She just told me to ask her dad about it as he was in charge of the invites. I didn't take it any further, just assumed he'd forgotten about his neice.

So my cousin got married recently - No invite again. Only photos bragging about the big day being posted online - Kick in the fucking teeth or what.

So between people I thought I could rely on, to my unreliable father who I can't get hold of, I'm wondering why the hell I still use my family name. Chohan??? Get real.

I'm going to be like Prince and just have one name. Can I legally renounce a last name and just have one name?? Probably not, but is it worth keeping this last name if there's absolutely no one in my "family" who seems to give two flying rats arses about me? I don't think so.

-B xx

P.s: Did 60 sit ups today. Not as many as yesterday but still good :)