Friday, 28 January 2011

Oh holy mother of Jesus

Alright, people on facebook seem to think I'm pregnant because I recently put up a status about needing to pee a lot, and another status about being tired lately.

I'm peeing lots because I'm drinking more water, and I'm tired because I'm not getting proper sleep (I keep waking up every hour, it's weird and annoying - Especially when my boyfriend Paul stays over because he's a light sleeper and I suck because I keep waking him up. I don't wake him up with sucking though, that's a different story for another time...)

Anyway, to clear the rumours - NO, I'm not pregnant. GOOD GOD PEOPLE! Stop trying to force pregnancy on me. You want a kid that bad? Go find a sperm donor and a webcam. I hear that's how they do it these days.

So because the word "pregnant" was mentioned in response to a couple of my statuses, the wondrous joys of facebook "smart" marketing technology has decided to chuck this fucking ad in my face:

ARE YOU FUCKING SERIOUS?! Oh. Em. Gee... Facebook, be MORE tactful please, before I lose my patience.

Oh. And if it shows me another freakin "Send money for calls to India" advert again, I will hulk smash the facebook servers to the seventh layer of Dante's motherfucking Inferno. Yes, I'm Indian. No, I don't want India-related crap spamming me. I'm female, I don't want to see ads about shoes and tampons every two minutes.

I totally need ad-block, don't I? On the flipside, I would kinda like free huggable polar bear...


  1. Even facebook thinks you're pregnant! It is a sign! D:


  2. Facebook knows nothing! D: It's now advertising "fully authorised lead figurines" ... Yeah, sure, I'll buy those if I want to poison my non-existant baby...
