Saturday, 30 April 2011

Green thumbs and technology failure

I've barely been back to my own house in the last couple weeks! Instead, I'm literally packing up several days worth of clothes and dragging them over to Pauls place. As nice as it is hanging out with my housemate in his house and answering questions on how to spell things (I feel like a human dictionary, sadly that's because I actually am). It's nice to just chill out with Paul at his house, and not feel like I'm in the way at all.

So today Paul and I took a drive down to the local garden centre and bought some little plants for his garden, and a colourful house plant which I have decidedly named Colin (much to Pauls extreme disapproval).

We've also planted some cute little shrubs and some flowering plants, and a bunch of Marigolds dotted around the bottom of the garden. Also got a couple conifer trees which have been potted and now take pride of place on either side of the french doors on the patio :-) Give it a week for the plants to properly bed and it'll look awesome!

Oh, and apparently my laptop is broken. It won't boot up - It'll start and lights will show, but nothing will display on screen. The DVD drive runs fine, so I think the motherboard is fried. I could get it looked at, but I honestly cannot be bothered. I want something more portable, so will likely invest in a nice little netbook :) Also need a new camera. May is going to be an expensive month!

People, screw gifts for my 25th birthday - Give me money (Or just buy me a laptop and camera?) lol.

25... Dreading it. Urgh.

-B xx

Sunday, 17 April 2011

Custom Jewellery for sale

Morning bloggers!

Summer is fast approaching, and all fashion savvy females are looking for the perfect necklace to match that floaty summer dress, gorgeous earrings and bracelets to set off that new bikini or even something glamerous for those sultry summer evenings...

But let's face it - You won't find something beautiful and unique on the highstreet, will you? You could walk past someone who's wearing the exact thing, and suddenly you won't feel as spangly and awesome as you did when you left the house that morning. It's happened to me one too many times (Especially when I realised my boyfriends ex girlfriend has the exact same necklace as me, I died a little on the inside).

So how do you avoid that awkward moment when someone else spots you wearing the same thing as them? The answer is that you should have bought something unique, something no one else will have because it's a one-off, handmade piece of jewellery made just for you.

I'm opening up my Etsy shop to people who want to buy more than what's on display. As with all good designer shops, all the super special pieces are kept in the back and are only available on request ;) So if you're interested in commissioning me for a one-off piece of jewellery, you know what to do...

-B xx

Saturday, 16 April 2011

It's supposed to be a new beginning

... Of sorts, anyway.

Except I've been plagued with ridiculous nightmares which kind of make me realise just how insecure I am, and how little I believe in myself and my abilities. Sleepless nights aren't any fun, especially when you're also keeping someone else awake by fidgeting :(

But I'll work on that. It's a new day, and I have things I need to focus on. Things like promoting my itsy bitsy Jewellery business - If you can call it that at the moment!

I've yet to make a sale on Etsy, but that'll change soon (I'm hoping!) I'm pimping my store daily on facebook, twitter, blogging about it, and getting myself known in the Etsy forums. Maybe someone might see something they like and say "HEYIWANNABUYTHATRIGHTNOWANDTELLALLMYFRIENDS!" ... But I'm holding out for an idealistic situation which is unlikely to happen anytime soon.

Trouble is, jewellery is so highly saturated on Etsy that it's a task in itself just trying to get noticed by just a handful of people. I need to work on getting more of my put up in my shop so that I stand a better chance of bringing in peoples attention.

So today, despite the glorious sunshine (After a miserably cloudy and rainy week) - I'm going to stay in and make jewellery :)

-Bini xx

Tuesday, 5 April 2011

Quick update and ramble

So I made some more jewellery you should probably check out - I've put some up on Etsy for sale :) 

And in the coming weeks I'm hoping to get more made, more photos taken and more Etsy listings up, and hopefully pimp myself enough to make a sale or twenty :) Starting out is gonna be tough but I'm ready to ride it out.

So I've neglected the blog again! A friend of mine, Lydia, came up round these parts a couple weekends ago, so we spent a few days doing some pretty cool stuff. I'm sure she'll get the photos up soon enough *hint hint*

Other than that I've just been working, sleeping, eating and formulating an exercise routine to help me train for 5k the Race For Life I'm doing in June. I'm skinny but DAYUM I'm unfit! Going up a flight of stairs has me gasping for air and reaching for oxygen masks/wheelchair/coffin. But I'm going to get some good running shoes this weekend and hopefully begin my training properly. According to this plan, I'll be running 3k in a week and a half. Sounds promising... We'll see. If I live, I'll be sure to update ze blog...

So in unrelated stuff... There have been a few questions plaguing my mind, mostly my own insecurities and paranoia, and nothing I don't already know the answers to. But I still feel the need to ask these questions. Whether it's for self-affirmation or hoping that I'm just being a retard is yet to be established, but I'm at least 93.8% sure that if I vocalise my thoughts, I'll probably get laughed at.

So I'm going to do nothing. I'll keep quiet, sit back and observe, and wait for it to all unfold in front of me. Maybe I'll get the answers I was looking for without looking like a twat. The likelihood of not looking twattish is about the same as turning my housemates Dyson hoover into a Sky reciever box that actually works.

Anyway, rambling on. I have an awesome boyfriend waiting for me in bed. So I'm gonna go snuggle up and fall asleep to shitty TV. Nighty-night!

-B xx