... Of sorts, anyway.
Except I've been plagued with ridiculous nightmares which kind of make me realise just how insecure I am, and how little I believe in myself and my abilities. Sleepless nights aren't any fun, especially when you're also keeping someone else awake by fidgeting :(
But I'll work on that. It's a new day, and I have things I need to focus on. Things like promoting my itsy bitsy Jewellery business - If you can call it that at the moment!
I've yet to make a sale on Etsy, but that'll change soon (I'm hoping!) I'm pimping my store daily on facebook, twitter, blogging about it, and getting myself known in the Etsy forums. Maybe someone might see something they like and say "HEYIWANNABUYTHATRIGHTNOWANDTELLALLMYFRIENDS!" ... But I'm holding out for an idealistic situation which is unlikely to happen anytime soon.
Trouble is, jewellery is so highly saturated on Etsy that it's a task in itself just trying to get noticed by just a handful of people. I need to work on getting more of my put up in my shop so that I stand a better chance of bringing in peoples attention.
So today, despite the glorious sunshine (After a miserably cloudy and rainy week) - I'm going to stay in and make jewellery :)
-Bini xx
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