Tuesday, 31 May 2011

Screw you, stomach!

Alright, I'm only 5'2" and up until about a year ago, I weighed 7 and a half stone.

Somewhere in my insane contentment and newly discovered love of anything edible, I've managed to pile on another stone and a half (For you yanks, I now currently weigh 123 lbs. NOT COOL!!)

So along with my failure to train for the 5k Race For Life I'm doing in 3 weeks time, I've also neglected to pay attention to the copious amounts of junk food I've been shoving into my body. I know, I sit around on my arse all day because I work in an office. I eat to cure boredom.

So I figure it needs to change. I'm not liking this "tiny" pot belly I see when I look in the mirror. Paul says it's cute and he likes it - I think he's batshit insane.

So today after work I went for a short run (I'm sooo unfit. It nearly killed me). I then came home, did a bunch of stretches, lunges, 15 sit ups. Then some more stretches, then another 15 sit ups. I did that over and over and over. I did 75 sit ups total.

Also adjusted my diet. I've bought a fuckton of fruit (Expensive!!), eating healthier dinners, cutting out coffee, sweets and sugar where I can (the odd treat will be allowed as I'm not perfect - yet!) and the excercise thing shall continue.

Target weight? The 7.5 stone I was before - That's 105 lbs. Meaning I have to lose an almighty 18 lbs. I'm sure it can be done, I just need to stick with my plan and be tough on myself.

I guess I'm lucky that I haven't gone up a dress size, I'm still a UK size 8. The weight has gone to my tits and arse - All good in that respect, but now I'm noticing a belly bulge. So I gotta get rid of it quicker than a serial killer getting rid of bodies under the porch.

I've never done this healthy eating/dieting bollocks before, so hopefully I can stick to it and reach my goal, then maintain my weight :)

Ambitious? Can't think of anything better to be :)

-B xx

Sunday, 22 May 2011

First Sale!

I had to share my good news with you! I made my very first sale on Etsy yesterday evening - Yaaaaay!! :D

It was weird... I wouldn't have known if I had sold anything if it wasn't for the buyer sending me a message to let me know that she'd given me the wrong shipping address. Then there was mild panic as I was unprepared and didn't know which courier to ship the goods to the US with. But minor drama's avoided thanks to my wonderful Paul coming to the rescue with his suggestions - I love you babe!

So with the first (of hopefully many, many more) sale under my belt, I'm now sat on my bed, editing photos for new items that I'm going to put on Etsy today, hopefully. I'm loving my new laptop by the way, it's smaller than my previous but you'd never be able to tell because it's so cleverly designed (And the screen is astonishingly bright, even on the energy saving mode and unplugged). Woop woop!

I've created a page on facebook for my Jewellery, so please stop by and like :) Also, you can keep up with my latest news and promos via Twitter -All the fabulous links you need are over on the right hand side of my blog :)

And with that... I'm off!
-Bini xx

Wednesday, 18 May 2011

25 and I fell off the earth

WHAAAT?! I forgot to update my blog again. I get into these patterns where I update regularly and then not at all. But I'm here now, sports fans! So that's all that counts...

Right, where to begin? The payrise at work is pretty decent, find myself having more money now which means only one thing: MORE TO SPEND ;) Shoes? Clothes? Nope... Just more jewellery making supplies lol

My 25th Birthday was great, even though I had to work that day. Paul bought me an amazing laptop because mine (Which I had suitaby named BUMHOLE) decided it wanted to die randomly. I could have gotten it fixed but it would have been a pain to find out what was wrong with it.

So other than the laptop, I got lots of cards, bottle of wine, little presents like jewellery, trinkets, and a lovely Radley mirror from Pauls mum. Plus Paul made me the most hilarious card and surprised me at work with a massive bunch of flower... I really could get used to this ;)

Ooh, and did I mention? I've FINALLY created a facebook page for my jewellery :D Click and like please, and let the world know that I'm here and I'm ready!

-Bini xx

Sunday, 8 May 2011

House plants

My boyfriend Paul seems to be on a home improvement trip lately. His house is immaculate - Magnolia walls, clean and tidy. Pretty much a blank canvas... Zzzz.

So since his ex has moved out and gone on her worldly travels (Lucky lady!) Paul has the house to himself... So he's decided to buy a bunch of plants for the house and garden, and some new artwork to jazz up the boring walls. The place is now looking like it has more personality ;-) I also dig the fact that he keeps asking my opinion on whether I like/approve of something. Bless him.

So my 25th Birthday is just a couple days away now, and I already know what two of my gifts are... Already know the girls at work are going to decorate my desk and shove a ton of confetti everywhere. I'll be pulling out "happy birthday" glitter until my 26th lol.

So more on the jewellery front - I've not really made anything new or worthy of posting on Etsy recently, still searching for that elusive first sale. Admittedly, I haven't been promoting on there as much as I could be, but the fact that I have a broken laptop and broken camera isn't helping one single bit. I'll get there someday...

-Bini xx

Friday, 6 May 2011


I've never really had a close family - You know the type. Perfect little family unit in a nice suburban house with the candy cloud picket fence and lush apple tree. My upbringing was more along the lines of drunken, abusive father (I was six years old when I walked in on him holding a 15inch kitchen knife to my mums throat while she was pinned up against the kitchen counter, frozen with fear). Our house was a decent suburban house, built on a foundation of lies, deceit and your usual mix of concrete.

I'm nearing the age of 25, and I've pretty much lived without my blood-family for a few years now. We lost our family home because my father, for some unknown reason, decided that paying the bills was a waste of time. Lord knows where the money went, but we never saw a penny of it. Between explosive fights, every member of the family running away at some point and a handful of good times, my dad was busy stealing money from me, only to lie to my face when I found out. I was only 18. All that drama created a whirlwind of anger, which kind of helped me get through it in a strange way. I was 20 when we lost the house and we all went our separate ways.

But now I'm older, and I'm away from it all. I've had time to calm down and assess the damage it's done to me mentally and emotionally. I think I'm at peace with my childhood, though I would love to know what was (and still IS) going through my fathers mind...

I long to have that perfect family, the happy times, the closeness... The ideal. I know that's far from reality though. Or is it...?

I was fortunate enough to find two amazing people who I'd be happy to call my parents, who have been nothing but supportive of me from day one, despite my flaws and mistakes. They just happen to be my ex boyfriends parents though - SLIGHTLY awkward as he apparently hates my guts for moving on with my life.

So as unlucky as I've been, I've also been really lucky to have found people I want to call my family. Which leads me to the question: How would you define family? Would you say it's the people who raised you, or the people you found when you grew up - The family you choose for yourself?

Would your choice in family define you? Would you let it? Would lack of any real family connections make you any less of a person? Might explain a few of my issues...

-B xx

Sunday, 1 May 2011

T-shirt tans suck

I figured this weekend's weather would be much like the previous days this week - Cold and threatening rain showers, which is why I packed some not-so-summery attire for my 4-day weekend at Paul's.

Couldn't have been more wrong. My dodgy t-shirt tan which I acquired (unfortunately) a couple weekends ago was made worse today by not having psychic abilities. So my chosen short sleeved top ended up making my tan worse by at least ten-fold (Maybe I'm exaggerating slightly there).

See, Paul and I spent the day at Wicksteed Park with the guys and girls of the UK Probe Owners Club (More affectionately known at UKPOC). They're a lovely bunch of people and we all had a laugh on the kids rides, not to mention getting soaked on log flumes. The addition of lake water concentrated with duck shit really conditioned my hair in ways that expensive stuff couldn't. I'm being sarcastic here... ;)

Still, had a good day and was nice to get to know some new people. Just pissed at my stupid tan lines. GOD DAYUM! Looking forward to going to Probe-Fest in June - Going to be a good laugh!

-Bini xx