Sunday, 22 May 2011

First Sale!

I had to share my good news with you! I made my very first sale on Etsy yesterday evening - Yaaaaay!! :D

It was weird... I wouldn't have known if I had sold anything if it wasn't for the buyer sending me a message to let me know that she'd given me the wrong shipping address. Then there was mild panic as I was unprepared and didn't know which courier to ship the goods to the US with. But minor drama's avoided thanks to my wonderful Paul coming to the rescue with his suggestions - I love you babe!

So with the first (of hopefully many, many more) sale under my belt, I'm now sat on my bed, editing photos for new items that I'm going to put on Etsy today, hopefully. I'm loving my new laptop by the way, it's smaller than my previous but you'd never be able to tell because it's so cleverly designed (And the screen is astonishingly bright, even on the energy saving mode and unplugged). Woop woop!

I've created a page on facebook for my Jewellery, so please stop by and like :) Also, you can keep up with my latest news and promos via Twitter -All the fabulous links you need are over on the right hand side of my blog :)

And with that... I'm off!
-Bini xx


  1. You can't tell us you made a sale then not tell us what you sold!

  2. lol my bad! I sold my Blue Boho earrings :) I've relisted it though as I've made another pair - Such is my awesome ability to buy more of everything than I actually need...
