Just makes you want to tear your hair out!
You wonder how some people can get away with all the crap that they cause and not give a second thought to the victims involved. Today was one of those days where I had to try my damn hardest to bite my tongue, otherwise I'd have released all of hells motherfucking demons loose onto this person.
That's right - I held my tongue! That must mean I'm growing up ;)
Still, one day of keeping my thoughts to myself isn't going to cut it. If I'm going to continue having to experience the severe amount of bullshit being flaunted in my face on a daily basis, I'm going to have to learn something called tact. Or just learn how to block it all out. Either way, it's going to be interesting.
Oh and hey, guess what! Found out my ignorant C U Next Tuesday of a father IS actually around - He's alive and well, just being himself and has the grump on with me for some fucked up reason. Yes, he's clearly screwed in the head, seeing as though the last contact I had with him was a text to wish him Happy Birthday back on March 6th. Nothing since then. I guess being a good daughter and remembering his birthday must have really. pissed. him. off. Grumble grumble.
Oh, and to make things more interesting... Remember my cousins wedding that I told ya'lls about a few journal entries ago? WEEEELP... Turns out that they sent an invite to my dad, who just never bothered to pass it on to me. You'd have thought they'd have called or text me, or heck, even facebooked me to ask why I didn't RSVP.... But alas, once again I find that the Chohan Clan are a bunch of tossers.
Anyone want a brown daughter? I'm 5'2" and can make excellent toast...
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